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  1. Luke_L

    Apex users... Ever forget your skimmer on manual on?

    so often i forget my skimmer on the manual on..(when doing tank maintaince i turn it on manual on otherwise it is flipping on and off while i am playing with water levels) . then few days later the skimmer cup gets full... the float switch is activated.... and skimmer keeps pumping onto the...
  2. Luke_L

    Best Rookie/newbie goof up....

    Friday submissions end.... in the meantime... in order to vote for the one you like... you need to like the post... the board software will tally all the likes....
  3. Luke_L

    Blue Barrel source of phosphates?

    The little tiny bit I have now I can deal with but last week's newley mixed water wanted to figure it out... hanna test going blue is over scale.... so my new water was over 2.5 ppm phosphates.... 55 gallon water change at 2.5 ppm p04 would be desastorous.... lol
  4. Luke_L

    Blue Barrel source of phosphates?

    well... i rinsed the barrel one more time... filled it half full of ro di water... tested tds at 0.00 yesterday.... added the same pump in question (it has been washed and rinsed several times (it had brown buildup inside and out) and added heater, added the needed amount of instant ocean...
  5. Luke_L

    Blue Barrel source of phosphates?

    I never got to testing the pump... and the blue barrel us still at 14 tds... tomorrow after work I'll start testing pump.
  6. Luke_L

    showing off my DIY magnetic stirrer....

    i repurposed some old parts from my khg... i built a megnetic stirrer... i never thought testing tank water could be so easy...
  7. Luke_L

    Check out the chalice

    Niagarafirecorals can you put me down for one of pic number 1?
  8. Luke_L

    Steph’s Little 40 Gallon

    did you find one... (i thought you where inquering about one couple weeks ago)
  9. Luke_L

    Luke's 220

    once it is tuned.... it is set and forget for 6 months.... lol i tried 2 part before... but that was before i tested regularly... (now a days i test religiousely every sunday morning...) 2 part would probably work better for me now.... lol
  10. Luke_L

    Luke's 220

    ugh.... calcium reactor maintainence.... i never look forward to it... i find it messy, and salt water gets every where... empty the reactor... sort out the mag from the Arm.... refill.... and purge.... and now ill be chasing numbers for a couple weeks trying to fine tune it again....
  11. Luke_L

    Ph record!

    I was reading either randy Holmes or brs video, Apparently after a ph of 8.2 magic happens and calcification is magnified by 2
  12. Luke_L

    Glenn’s 300

    You clearly have way more patience than me... lol...
  13. Luke_L

    Blue Barrel source of phosphates?

    48 hour mark..... also i have washed the pump compleetly , then let it run in vinigar bath... going to start test on that too...
  14. Luke_L

    Luke's 220

    two pics...(of the same corals) taken 1 year apart....
  15. Luke_L

    test message

    Welcome to Reefescape Jonathon
  16. Luke_L

    Blue Barrel source of phosphates?

    I have to buy another test kit as my test kits cannot test pure Rodi
  17. Luke_L

    Blue Barrel source of phosphates?

    Seeing that it has a lid, I don't think the RO water is pulling contaminates from the air in the basement?
  18. Luke_L

    Blue Barrel source of phosphates?

    Yes 55 gallon blue plastic drum. 24 hours ago 0 tds Now 7 tds. (With lid the whole time) See what the level is tomorrow
  19. Luke_L

    Blue Barrel source of phosphates?

    never thought about it.... but perhaps i should... meanwhile... 24 hours later... tds is up to 007.
  20. Luke_L

    Blue Barrel source of phosphates?

    barrel has 8 inches of fresh rodi in it right now... after washing and rinsing... calibrated my tds meter (it was 30 points off reading 970 in 1000 calibration solution....) if you look close the meeter sais 100 X 10 water in the barrel is bouncing from 0 to 001. so the test begins...