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Search results

  1. Luke_L

    Wanted: phosban reactor.

    I gave mine away cuz somebody needed one hahaha
  2. Luke_L

    Wanted: phosban reactor.

    Looking for a 150 size phosban reactor if anybody's got one they want to sell
  3. Luke_L

    Caulerpa- horror stories?

    Next please
  4. Luke_L

    Looking for this mesh

    Anyone seen this mesh anywhere I have to build a protective cover for my fish now that I have removed my canopy
  5. Luke_L

    Caulerpa- horror stories?

    holy cow.... ever figure out what happened?
  6. Luke_L

    Steph’s Little 40 Gallon

    For covid reasons, you weren't here... lol
  7. Luke_L

    Beer can sized peice of green elk horn.

    Deal is only for reefescape 2.0 members... lol Sold pending pickup.
  8. Luke_L

    refugium lighting......

    Good point but it's Neptune orange 20 watt light hahaha
  9. Luke_L

    refugium lighting......

    I've tested everything... grow lights, CFL incandescent... no luck with cheato... Calerpa grows like a weed.
  10. Luke_L

    Beer can sized peice of green elk horn.

    My fish were horsing around and they snapped off of beer can size piece of green Elkhorn from My Mother Colony. 40 bucks takes it
  11. Luke_L

    refugium lighting......

    i know i have asked 100 times... but what is everyone using for refugium lighting.... i cant grow cheato to save my life.... i am about 1 click away from buying that new grow light that apex is pushing now.... doesn't matter if i have .09 po4 and 5 ppm nitrate, still cant grow cheato.
  12. Luke_L

    Luke's 220

    Steady alk , thanks to khg... lol
  13. Luke_L

    Our mascot

    I knew you would like it Niagarafirecorals
  14. Luke_L

    Automatic Fishfeeder

    There is this little tunnel /stand thing that ehim makes... I want to get one of these days...
  15. Luke_L

    Luke's 220

    I was getting tired of not being able to access my tank easily... I had to remove the canopy, I was tired of it.. Now I should be able to clean reflectors too... lol
  16. Luke_L

    Our mascot

    This is our mascot
  17. Luke_L

    Fusion update on March 10 causing notification.

    so in my case i had 6 missing modules error... one was an old afs module that i no longer have... and a bunch of display modules that i was testing for other people.... (once you plug a module in, your apex brain gets married to it and remembers it... even if it hasent been there in 10 years...)...
  18. Luke_L

    Fusion update on March 10 causing notification.

    When I get home from work I will post pics on how to fix it on classic.
  19. Luke_L

    Fusion update on March 10 causing notification.

    This was cut and pasted from their page. MODULE MISSING BADGE IN APEX FUSION INFORMATION: On 3/9/21 an update to Apex Fusion happened that added some new features. The update occurred to support our recently announced GRO Refugium light and add some other small features. One said feature...
  20. Luke_L

    Next livestock: suggestions wanted

    orange shoulder tangs, and Vlamingi tangs are awesome fish... very peaceful and cool personalitys...