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Search results

  1. Luke_L

    Next livestock: suggestions wanted

    No tank is complete without a hippo, (i swear they got the personality bang on in the movie finding nemo). i tried a fox face once... it lasted about an hour in the tank... then it went in the penalty box till i got rid of it... has anyone else had any experience with foxface?
  2. Luke_L

    Automatic Fishfeeder

    i use the neptune afs system.... it is easy to program.... but it doesn't seem to like small pellets.... first click they get stuck, but 2 clicks and it dumps half the freeking hopper out.
  3. Luke_L

    How to turn an old tablet into a webcam

    i don't do apple stuff.... 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
  4. Luke_L

    How to turn an old tablet into a webcam

    well i had a Old tablet that i turned into a Apex terminal. Works awesome too that involved turning on developer options in the tablet, in order to turn on "keep alive" so it never goes to sleep... then i wondered if there was a way to turn on the camera in the back of the tablet so i can...
  5. Luke_L

    Hawaiian flame wrasse.

    And then when just the LEDs are on it gets even more spectacular first picture without the filter second picture with the filter
  6. Luke_L

    Hawaiian flame wrasse.

    I don't know what everyone else uses I used the glasses that you get from the Niagara Coral show, here is the exact same picture Taken 2 seconds of part 1 taken without the glasses second one taken with the glasses
  7. Luke_L

    My Last Meeting....

    i was heart broken 1 week later when they started dropping like flys.....
  8. Luke_L

    Berghia nudibranchs

    yep... im convinced... i think im gonna get a few....
  9. Luke_L

    Tank Temp

    apparently i havent been keeping tabs.... 700g system?
  10. Luke_L

    Spring must be in the air...

    It must be that time of year... or atleast my clowns think it is... lol I use lunar cycle, and sun command... and until 3 weeks ago I used the seasonal temp variation... clowns are getting ready to spawn.
  11. Luke_L

    Tank Temp

    I used to let the Apex do the seasonal temp variation until a few weeks ago because this time of year seasonal temp for the Apex is 76 and it was just too cold in my opinion so now I have it pegged for a 77
  12. Luke_L

    Nitrite during the Cycle/ In Reef tanks

    I always thought that once your nitrogen cycle was complete, you wouldn't be able to test fer ammonia or nitrite unless there was a big spike...
  13. Luke_L


    I never did... but I have a larger skimmer and a smaller (100mg/hour) ozoneator. I never smelled ozone around my sump either.
  14. Luke_L

    Best Rookie/newbie goof up....

    Obviously I can't win but I do have a submission I thought these things were so cute when I first started in the hobby I eventually had to drain the whole tank bleach it pressure wash the Rock and start over
  15. Luke_L

    Best Rookie/newbie goof up....

    you need the photo to join the contest.... lmao
  16. Luke_L

    Best Rookie/newbie goof up....

    Alright.... just to kick it off.... Photo Contest for the best Rookie/Beginner Screw up! lol 30 days.... Winner gets a huge frag of Birds Of Paradise! Reply with your submissions
  17. Luke_L

    SPS polyp extension.

    I was able to get pics this morning... CRAZY polyps...
  18. Luke_L

    My Last Meeting....

    I guess its time for me to throw another meeting (once this covid is over with)... just found these pics, the last time i hosted was 9 years ago.... i had 75 clown fry....
  19. Luke_L

    Glenn’s 300

    looks like you did your homework Glennf ... when you figure you will be cured?
  20. Luke_L

    Look what arrived!!

    Khg saved my but last week.... my ph probe on my calcium reactor went out of wack... ( i didn't catch the co2 solonoid cycling, if i would of i would have known something was wrong..) but khg picked up the decline in alkalinity (my unit only monitors. it doesn't dose) then at 7 dkh the apex set...