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  1. Luke_L

    Instagram tag added to user profile

    there is now a place to add your instagram identification so members can find your instagram account easier... i cant remember who asked for that....
  2. Luke_L

    ISO PM1

  3. Luke_L

    test message

    Still Learning this new platform..... @Niagarafirecorals , @Limey , @Cliff i tagged you guys to figure out if you get a notification that i tagged you... lol please somone let me know if it worked.
  4. Luke_L

    Even smaller plexy project

    @KHG Check this out
  5. Luke_L

    ISO PM1

    When are we going to get that khg running then
  6. Luke_L

    PC Rainbow SPS

    I will take one
  7. Luke_L

    Glenn’s 300

    I believe we yousta refer to that as "the Rickerman" Holy shit.
  8. Luke_L

    ISO PM1

    Unless you have another goal in mind then the one that I'm thinking of AKA hooking up the aim module to your Apex the pm2 module will not help your situation you need the pm-1 module as it has a BNC plug
  9. Luke_L

    Reefescape Emails flagged as spam

    I think we might have it solved...
  10. Luke_L

    120 in wall build

    I find sometimes the smaller rooms are more frustrating than big rooms for building...
  11. Luke_L

    SPS polyp extension.

    I have the same issue. And although I havent proven it yet, all my research suggests that it's my Bycolor Angelfush... I will be following by his thread.
  12. Luke_L


    8 bulbb t5 here, with 40 X 3 watt led supplement. It grows stuff... 😁
  13. Luke_L

    Luigi's 125 changes

    It was on my end... lol...
  14. Luke_L

    Luigi's 125 changes

    curious... i have 3 pics that didn't load.... did it work well for everyone else?
  15. Luke_L

    120 in wall build

    is that going to be a fish room then behind the tank?
  16. Luke_L


    Coral seem to be happy and growing like weeds hahaha
  17. Luke_L


    I'm using the Red Sea ozonizer it's only capable of making 100mg/hr. With 350 gal total water volume I was unaware that I would shock anyting. I only like to run the ozone if I'm home and I am babysitting it. Do you think a hundred mg an hour for 4 hours once a week is too much?
  18. Luke_L


    I run ozone once a week for 4 hours just to polish the water... put a piece of paper on the end glass of your tank and look long ways through the tank at it... what color is the white paper? Ozone can polish that right up.
  19. Luke_L

    Welcome Back to Reefescape

    I find myself shying away from the facebook groups, its almost impossible to look up history, and I find newbies in the hobby dont get the help they need on Facebook. I have always loved forims
  20. Luke_L


    Plugin is now installed!